Monday, October 18, 2010

college life.

Prompt: Some people go right on to college right after high school; others take a year or more off to work or travel. Which do you think is the better choice? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
            A lot of people based their decision off of life experiences, some feel that college is top priority and should be done right away, others may feel it’s not that important. I personally feel that college should be done right away to get a better opportunity in jobs. Although I know it won’t be as easy I have plans on going to college right after high school. Some people like to do things faster then others, and others like to wait at the last minute. Everyone do things in a different manor.
I think it’s important to have a plan a and plan b. for example if anything fails you always have a backup plan. Some people like to travel the world and visit other countries, I’m a city girl so I feel there’s nothing outside of school that can better my life if it aint a job, and to get a job you have to have a degree in something. Going too college right after high school is easier in my opinion. Everything is fresh I the brain all your friends is leaving, it’s no reason to stay behind unless you just can’t afford to go to college and that is very understandable. I feel the people that don’t go to college right after high school couldn’t afford it, was lazy, or just felt like college wasn’t for them. Hopefully if I’m not able to pay for college I will be able to get a good paying job so that when I’m ready to go off to school I’m able to pay for it.
            For example I have a lot of people in my family who waited to go to college and they explained to me that it was very difficult. My mother went to college to become and RN, when I was in the 7thgrade.she explain that going to school working and providing for her children was very difficult but she made it and graduated. She is now going back to school to become something else, she tells me all the time that a person can never have to much education. If she would have gone to college right after high school, things would have been easier for her. She would probably been getting paid more. But we’re very happy even with the hard times.
 I feel education is very important, and should come before everything. School will get you everywhere you need to go. It will grant all your wishes if you do what you  need to do and complete what you start.

Monday, October 11, 2010

american society

I personally agree that American society is very competitive. There are several examples, kids or high school children are very competitive. Different ethnicities are very competitive; girls are competitive against each other. Boys are extremely competitive towards each other as well. There are a lot of ways to explain how people are competitive.
Reason number one “teenagers” are very competitive. They worry about what the next person is wearing, how they hair is and they carry themselves. It ties in to the girls and boys being competitive towards the next person. Everyone wants to be better than someone else. Then when somebody are not up to their standards and can not afford the designer clothes they want to talk about them and make them feel low of themselves.  I think that everyone should be accepted by who they are and not what they wear or do. Being so competitive in high school takes focus on other things. Children worry about the wrong things. For example the first day of school, everybody dress up in their new clothes and show their new things off. Which I feel is okay but they do it for the wrong reasons. They do it to show off, put other people down and to make fun of someone who doesn’t have new things. Kids usually get their confidence put down by their peers.  Children now days talk so bad about each other.
Reason number two people of different ethnicities act very competitive towards each other. For example with jobs there are a lot of Korean’s and Caucasian’s working and African American , Latinos’ are having the hardest time finding jobs, or getting a job. I had did an internship over the summer at LAX Airport, in the accounting operations, there was Korean’s and about 3 Latino’s and 3 African American. It is very competitive in the real world.
Reason number three in college you are competing with a million and one kids when you apply to get a spot at the college u want to go to. You have to either have the grades, the SAT score, ACT score, or the extra activity. It’s very competitive. You have to compete with every one who applies so this world is competitive in so many ways.
American society is very competitive. It sometimes has good reasons, and it something tends to hurt people or makes them feel bad about themselves. The society we live in will always be competitive; it’s like a way of living.


I would be invisible. Being invisible could really get you far in life. You could pass test in class, ease drop on people conversations, and stay out of trouble at the same time and much more. You would be able to get away from ignorant people, or when you’re having those days. Things would be way easier if we had superpowers.

extended family

If I could spend time with anyone in my extended family, it would have to be my cousin Jamal. The reason being is because is because I haven’t spent time with him in forever and I feel we have a lot of making up to do. I feel like I would be able to vent and express anything to him with out judging, me or being negative. He’s super cool & we talk about everything when we are together

visit moon

I would never visit the moon. The main reason is because I am afraid of heights. I can not imagine getting over my fears and being high in the air. Also when you visit the moon there is a difficult way breathing. You have to wear things over your head to help you breathe. You also have to wear a million and one clothing so I rather stay on earth where I’m use to everything

earning money

There are a million ways to earn money at the age of way could be selling candy, others could be to wash cars, get sponsors, make clothing, make accessories’ ,draw pictures if your talented , try to get a job, do work around the house mow lawns and many other ways. I earn money by tutoring my next door neighbor, recycling, and doing hair. There are many ways to earn money.

baby dragon

There was a baby dragon named Emile .he was red with pink wings. He learn how to fly and blow his fire. One day baby dragon Emile wanted to be brave, so he waited till his owner Anna opened the window the window and decided to jump out the window to fly. The baby dragon flew for about 20 minutes and got too excited. He wasn’t paying attention and flew into a building. When he fell his mouth opened and blew up the city